T4M -
Technology for Medical Devices
postponed to May 2021
In consultation with its supporters, the VDMA Working Group Medical Technology and Swiss Medtech as well as with exhibitors and close partners such as MedicalMountains, Messe Stuttgart has made the decision to postpone T4M - Technology for Medical Devices to 4-6 May 2021. The Medical Technology Expo will then take place as normal in parallel to Control, the international trade fair for quality assurance.
"The health of exhibitors, visitors, supporters and trade fair staff is our utmost priority," explains Thomas Walter, Vice President and Member of the Board of Management of Messe Stuttgart in view of the growing spread of the new coronavirus disease. "Our aim is to hold a successful trade fair - an event where we can welcome the medical technology industry without any concerns and provide a platform for people to establish profitable business contacts with others," emphasises Mr Walter. He adds that this is not something they are able to achieve at this time. Furthermore, a trade fair with restricted admission or with hardly any attendees is simply not an option for the management team. Yesterday's announcement by the State Government of Baden-Württemberg serves to confirm the management team's decision to postpone the trade fair.
By postponing the event until next year, Messe Stuttgart's aim is to give exhibitors, project partners and visitors a firm date that they can put in their diaries and avoid the 2020 autumn period, which is already such a busy time in the trade fair calendar. According to the organiser, around 95 percent of the exhibitors who had registered for T4M 2020 have already confirmed that they wish to attend next year.