MEDICA 2023 + COMPAMED 2023 on Schedule -
hot phase of registration and theme planning running with momentum
With a notable increase in the number of exhibitors nand a strong boost in the amount of visitors, in November 2022, the ninternationally leading trade fairs for the medical technology sector nand its suppliers, MEDICA and COMPAMED in Düsseldorf, were able to send nan important message signalling a new dawn for the market after months nof restrictions caused by the pandemic. And they are carrying this nmomentum into the new year of events (trade fairs will be held on 13-16 nNovember 2023). "The rate of repeat bookings is very high, reflecting ncustomer feedback immediately following MEDICA and COMPAMED 2022. For nmany companies, contact with international professional medical nsuppliers is of enormous importance, to give just one example. And this ntarget group has demonstrated a renewed presence among visitors again", nexplains Christian Grosser, Director Health & Medical Technologies nat Messe Düsseldorf.
Christian Grosser goes on to emphasise a certain unique ncharacteristic of MEDICA and COMPAMED which the over 5,000 exhibiting ncompanies at the latest trade fairs are deeming more and more important:n "Both events with their unique mutual influence are the location where nwe focus on the topic of the entire supply and value chain of medical ntechnological products - including their assembly parts and product ndevelopment, aspects of manufacture, up to and including downstream nservices over the lifetime of the product. One factor here is business nand reliable partnerships within the medical technology industry. In then face of current global political challenges, this has become very nimportant. The necessary goal is to create a secure foundation for your nown business."
The mutually increasing synergy effects of both events are nconfirmed by the numbers. In 2022, more than half of the professional nvisitors with a primary interest in MEDICA also visited the parallel ntrade fair COMPAMED. In 2010, this figure was still around 30 percent.
Trend Topics in the Focus
of the Supporting Programme
Food for discussion is bound to be supplied in Düsseldorf at the ntrade fair dates in mid-November by multiple trends which characterise nthe market and its dynamics at the time, and which will be addressed notn only by the novel presentations at both professional trade fairs, but nalso in the comprehensive programme supporting the events.
One example is the growing "out-patientisation" of care. This sets nthe focus on products and services for the so-called "point-of-care", nthat is on patient-oriented diagnostics and treatment, but also on ntelemedical applications for optimal, cross-sector networking among all npeople involved in the care process. Another trend is solutions based onn Artificial Intelligence and supporting systems, for example robotic nsystems or VR/AR applications. The implementation of sustainable nprocesses is a goal that by now has become one of the highest prioritiesn in companies and institutions across all sectors of industry - nincluding the health sector. This includes a holistic view of economic nprocesses to maintain a lasting ability to compete, without a negative nsocial or environmental impact. All parts of the supply and value chain nare evaluated closely for their potential for optimisation.
"Our comprehensive programme of professional forums and parallel nconferences as well as the digital talk format MEDICA DEEP DIVE, which nwill recommence before summer, will reflect these trends. Suitable nthemes are already being eagerly planned. The current projects of healthn start-ups are something to really look forward to. At the professional ntrade fair, at MEDICA START-UP PARK and in the accompanying programme, nthere will be many interesting things to report on this topic", promisesn Christian Grosser with a view to finding answers and solutions for all nquestions that are on the mind of the industry right now.
Among the professional forums integrated into the MEDICA professionaln trade fair are the MEDICA CONNECTED HEALTHCARE FORUM (digital nconnectivity), the MEDICA HEALTH IT FORUM (IT issues), the MEDICA TECH nFORUM (trends within medical technology) as well as the MEDICA LABMED nFORUM (innovations in laboratory medicine).
Some examples of the accompanying conference programme are the 46th nGerman Hospital Day, the leading event for the top management of German nhospitals (being held at CCD Süd this time), the Conference on Disaster nand Military Medicine DiMiMed, the MEDICA MEDICINE + SPORTS CONFERENCE nfor the international professional sports medicine and sports science nscene (also both being held at CCD Süd).
The focus segments of the MEDICA trade fair are as follows: nLaboratory Technology and Diagnostics, Medical Technology and nElectromedicine (Imaging and Diagnostics/Medical Equipment and Devices),n Commodities and Consumables, Physiotherapy and Orthopaedic Technology nas well as IT Systems and IT Solutions.
Images: R. Eberhard,, EBERHARD print & medien agentur gmbh
Source: Messe Düsseldorf