Key Areas of Focus for Industrial Production:
Digitalization and Sustainability
The EMO Hannover organizer VDW (German Machine Tool Builders' nAssociation) invited visitors to attend the major preview for the event nin Frankfurt am Main on July 5 and 6. EMO Hannover is scheduled to take nplace from September 18 to 23, but 31 exhibitors have been giving a nsneak preview of their innovations a good ten weeks before the event nitself. Almost 70 journalists from over 30 countries came, saw, marveledn and asked the exhibitors for details.
"The EMO Hannover preview was held for the first time in Frankfurt amn Main. The event has a long tradition and is both the climax and nconclusion of our EMO Hannover World Tour. In around 60 events held in n40 countries, from Japan to Mexico and from Finland to South Africa, we nhave been presenting EMO Hannover 2023 to the EMO community since the nbeginning of the year," said Dr. Wilfried Schäfer, Executive Director ofn the VDW, welcoming the guests.
Dr. Markus Heering, his Executive Director colleague at the VDW, continues: "Under the banner of Innovate Manufacturing. we have decided to focus on three megatopics at EMO Hannover this year: The Future of Business, The Future of Connectivity and The Future of Sustainability in Production. Then aim here is to show that production technology is not merely of ninterest to experts, but that the industry is doing its part to solve nthe most pressing problems of our time. And that's what exhibitors are nshowing - in impressive variety and depth - with their technical nsolutions here at the preview and at the fair itself in September."
EMO Hannover to Feature a Wealth
of Offerings as the Countdown Begins
More than 1,750 exhibitors from 42 countries are currently expected nat EMO Hannover 2023. They will present the entire spectrum of nproduction technology. Major points of interest include machining ncenters and lathes, cutting tools and clamping devices, measuring nequipment and control systems. "The breadth of the technical offerings nis unparalleled at the international trade fair for production ntechnology," emphasized Markus Heering. The event highlights the nchallenges that exist in production: greater efficiency, more nflexibility, better quality, increased accuracy, the integration of AI, ncomprehensive factory-wide networking, and much more besides.
EMO Hannover is offering various joint stands aimed at drawing nattention to specific trend topics: Additive Manufacturing, nConnectivity, Cobots and Sustainability in Production. "In particular, latest developments such as those showcased in the Sustainability in Productionn Area are attracting a lot of interest, as exhibitors are keen to nreposition themselves in this field," reported Wilfried Schäfer. nResearch institutes will also feature prominently on the stand, using itn to present their sustainability projects.
Trend forum for the future of production technology
As the world's leading trade fair for production technology, EMO nHannover aims to cover all the important topics relating to the nindustrial value chain, to present the current state of the art and to nhighlight possible scenarios for future development. "In addition to then aforementioned topics, a further focus will be on the recruitment of nskilled workers on the Special Training Stand. The range of nservices offered by the Nachwuchsstiftung Maschinenbau (Youth Education nand Development Foundation for Mechanical Engineering) has been expandedn beyond initial vocational training to include ongoing training and ndevelopment," Markus Heering explained. The special umati standn will feature a major live demonstration aimed at showcasing the latest ndevelopments in the connectivity initiative for the mechanical and plantn engineering industry as a basis for effective networking within and nbetween factories. Finally, the Startup Area will be promoting npioneering collaboration with young companies, said Schäfer, describing ntwo further examples.
The joint stands will be complemented by two forums in halls 9 and 16n of the Hannover exhibition center. They provide a platform for nexhibitors' presentations on technology topics and for in-depth npresentations on special Future Insights topics. The program nincludes a conference on business opportunities in the Indian market, nand two half-days entitled "New digital work - opportunity or ndisenfranchisement?" Both go into greater depth on individual aspects ofn the Future of Business. Further Future of Connectivity half-days will naddress the topics of umati and Energy efficiency through digitalization.n Sustainability in production aspects will finally be covered in npresentations and discussions on e-mobility, climate-neutral production,n the potential of circular business models and best practices with nregard to sustainability in production.
Images: R. Eberhard,, EBERHARD print & medien agentur gmbh
Source: Deutsche Messe AG