Intersolar North America 2016 to Highlight the
Record-Breaking Growth and Emerging Opportunities in U.S. Solar Market
Intersolar North America, the most attended solar industry exhibition and conference dedicated to the North American market, will highlight the key trends driving the North American solar market during its annual conference July 11-13 at the InterContinental Hotel in San Francisco. With a lineup of policymakers, industry executives and analysts, the conference program will provide valuable insight on topics ranging from emerging solar markets to new financing models to policy debates to technology advances during the first major industry event of the year 2016 in North America.
Intersolar is currently accepting speaking abstracts, with the deadline of Saturday, March 12. Abstracts can be submitted online.
The U.S. solar market will continue to grow at a record-breaking pace in 2016, and is expected to install 10 gigawatts (GW) of solar photovoltaic (PV) this year, according to GTM Research. While utility and commercial-scale installations are expected to make up the majority of new solar, the residential market will also experience strong growth throughout the year due in part to the continued popularity of third-party financing programs. By 2020, GTM Research expects the U.S. industry to install solar at a rate of 20 GW annually, due in part to declining costs and favorable policies, notably the extension of the investment tax credit (ITC).
The ITC's extension marked a major victory for the U.S. solar market, and demonstrated a commit-ment to developing a strong solar industry in the United States. Intersolar aided the efforts of its long-time partner the California Solar Energy Industries Association (CALSEIA), including a signature drive at last year's Intersolar North America event, to extend the ITC. CALSEIA and other industry organizations and advocates also successfully promoted the continuation of net metering in California, which was recently approved by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). These victories generated new debates at the state and local level over net-metering and rate-design reform, which will make 2016 a critical year for state and local solar policy.
As the first major solar industry event in North America in 2016, Intersolar helps connect solar executives from around the world and across the solar supply chain. Intersolar is working with a number of partners to develop the conference program, which will feature expert insight on a variety of topics related to continuing the industry's growth and development:
• PV: Technologies
• PV: Markets (North America, South America, Asia)
• Financing Models
• Electrical Energy Storage
• Smart Renewable Energy
• Installer Training Sessions and Workshops
"With the extension of the ITC, the implementation of creative financing models, and affordable energy storage options, the United States is making a strong case to be the world's leading solar market in terms of capacity and innovation," said Dr. Florian Wessendorf, managing director of Solar Promotion International GmbH, and Daniel Strowitzki, CEO of FMMI International, the organizers of Intersolar North America.
"We're working with our partners to develop a conference program that delivers attendees the information they need to know in order to navigate the changing marketplace and continue to grow the market. California has long lead the way for the U.S. solar industry, and we're excited to hear from the individuals and companies leading the market. "
Intersolar organizers hope to build on the success of last year's program, with more than 200 speakers and 60 sessions and workshops.
Images: R. Eberhard,, EBERHARD print & medien agentur gmbh
Source: Solar Promition International