Integrated Industry – key to tomorrow’s competitive edge
Roughly two months before the start of HANNOVER MESSE 2013 (8 to 12 April), its organizer, Deutsche Messe, is expecting a strong trade fair performance coupled with a winning Partner Country showcase.
“HANNOVER MESSE is where international decision makers and industry leaders go to gear up for today’s global competition,” commented Dr. Köckler, member of Deutsche Messe’s Managing Board. “Under the buzzword “ Integrated Industry”, here they will find the latest smart technologies and solutions for future-proofing their production facilities. They’ll get to rub shoulders with all the relevant market leaders and make contacts with leading international subcontractors and suppliers of industrial automation, energy, drive and production technologies. For industry professionals, a visit to HANNOVER MESSE is vital to achieving and maintaining a competitive edge by discovering all the right innovations to help them boost efficiency, lower cost, assure product quality and achieve sustainability.”
The volume of exhibitor registrations received to date suggests that the Hannover Exhibition Center will be full to capacity at this year’s show. The organizers are expecting more than 6,000 exhibitors from 60 countries.
HANNOVER MESSE highlights convergence and networking
The lead theme of “Integrated Industry” signals HANNOVER MESSE’s strong focus on the current trend towards integration across all areas of industry. “Integrated Industry is about making industrial production smarter and more efficient. It’s also about multidisciplinary cooperation between different industries and different enterprises,” Dr. Köckler said.
For instance, in the near future, intelligent materials will be able to tell machines how they should be processed, and components will be able to issue their own maintenance and repair requests. “Direct communication between the various systems involved in production will facilitate material and energy savings and make processes much faster and more efficient,” Dr. Köckler said.
In addition to these various forms of technical and electronic networking, “Integrated Industry” encompasses the challenge facing all areas of industry as they seek to cooperate across corporate and sector boundaries. “In the future, cross-industry alliances will be even more important than they are now,” Dr. Köckler explained. “Among other things, the focus here will be on knowledge transfer and new forms of collaboration. Alliances between industrial companies and software providers are a good example of this.”
Eleven tradeshows plus strong supporting program
HANNOVER MESSE 2013 will place a strong emphasis on industrial automation and IT, energy and environmental technologies, power transmission and control, industrial subcontracting, manufacturing technologies, services and R&D. These keynote themes will be covered in no fewer than eleven tradeshows: Industrial Automation - Motion, Drive & Automation (MDA) - Energy - Wind - MobiliTec - Digital Factory - ComVac - Industrial Supply - Surface Technology - IndustrialGreenTec - Research & Technology.
Köckler: “The format of HANNOVER MESSE embodies the ‘Integrated Industry’ lead theme perfectly because it generates numerous interfaces and synergies between the exhibitors and visitors at its constituent tradeshows.”
As well as offering eleven full-fledged tradeshows where market leaders can present their innovations, HANNOVER MESSE features a rich lineup of supporting forums, conferences and special events. These include the premium international trade platform Global Business & Markets, the Job & Career Market recruitment platform, the TectoYou careers initiative, and the WoMenPower congress.
from 8 to 12 April 2013, Fair ground Hanover (Germany)
Images: R. Eberhard,, EBERHARD print & medien agentur gmbh
Source: Deutsche Messe AG