EPIA presents the Global Market Outlook
for Photovoltaics 2014-2018 at Intersolar Europe
This year's Intersolar Europe Conference kicks off with the Global Market Outlook for Photovoltaics 2014-2018, presented by the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA). The report, which details the development of the world's photovoltaics markets, will be launched with the support of Intersolar Europe. On June 2, 2014, the report marks the opening of the Intersolar Europe Conference and also features in the press conference that follows. During the conference's market sessions, experts in the industry association provide detailed insights and draw conclusions for the solar industry. Visitors can also learn about the current and future developments in the solar industry at Intersolar Europe, taking place at Messe München from June 4-6.
Figures from the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA) show that some 37 gigawatts (GW) of photovoltaic capacity was added globally in 2013, highlighting China with 11.3 GW and Europe with 10 GW as the most important markets. The Global Market Outlook for Photovoltaics 2014-2018 reveals how the markets will develop in the next few years. The report first makes an appearance at the 10:00am opening session at the Intersolar Europe Conference on June 2, 2014, after which it is presented in several conference sessions at the ICM - Internationales Congress Center München.
Business strategies
for the changing solar industry
In the coming years, the international markets are set to be shaped by new technologies as well as a shift in the industry's significant regions. As a result, companies in the solar industry are faced with the challenges of predicting future market developments and adapting their strategies to these changing conditions as quickly as possible. New technologies and stiffer competition within the industry make it necessary to focus on promising markets and products. The success of future decisions thus depends on sound figures and expert assessments. Over 1,000 exhibitors and 50,000 expected visitors discuss this topic and others at Intersolar Europe, which boasts numerous parallel events, making it the world's leading information and strategy platform for the solar industry.
An insight into
the future of PV markets
The EPIA presents the Global Market Outlook for Photovoltaics at Intersolar Europe, which provides an important basis for future decisions in the solar industry. The report evaluates the developments experienced within international solar markets over the last few years and provides an outlook on market development over the next five years. At the same time, the report sheds light on the most important current and future industry trends. Five Global PV Markets sessions at the Intersolar Europe Conference on June 2 and 3 reveal the report's findings for Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and North and South America. The EPIA report results are also available at Intersolar Europe from June 4-6 at the EPIA booth A2.571.
Intersolar Europe 2014
from 4 to 6 June 2014, Fair ground Munich (Germany)
Images: R. Eberhard, messekompakt.com, EBERHARD print & medien agentur gmbh
Source: Solar Promotion