Motek 2019
Integrated Solutions -
Practical Implementation
The world of industrial production is evolving rapidly - and Motek is keeping pace! Visitors at the 38thn Motek international trade fair for automation in production and nassembly from 7 to 10 October 2019 will be provided with answers to ntheir questions about process automation solutions which can be nimplemented in a practical manner.
The conventional factory needs nto be transformed into a smart factory - but how? Motek 2019 will ndemonstrate to its expert visitors that industrially practical and thus nfuture-proof solutions are already available to today's and tomorrow's ncustomers and users. Motek - and only Motek - presents the entire nspectrum of rapidly changing process automation. Nowhere else are ntechnical trade fair visitors able to gain such a comprehensive overviewn of current products and systems covering all aspects of automation in nindustrial production and assembly - in particular since buzzwords like ndigitalisation and networking are cause for uncertainty in many cases. nIn any case, they represent a tremendous upheaval for everyday nindustrial life, and thus the process sequence trade fair in Stuttgart nis a "must-attend" event for all design engineers, users and production nmanagers who are seeking practical solutions for modern industrial nproduction and assembly.
Integration: Nothing Stands Alone Anymore
Asn has always been the case in the past as well, trade fair promoters P.E.n Schall GmbH & Co. KG organise Motek in a strictly application and npractice-oriented manner. Expert visitors can successively work their nway through the various issues of production and assembly automation - nbeginning with receiving and including all process steps such as qualityn assurance, identification, packaging, order picking and intra-logisticsn - or they can address a single specific issue in a targeted fashion. nThe trade fair structure is consistently aligned to every day nmanufacturing life and assures quick orientation and minimal leg work. nAssembly systems, handling technology, robots, joining and screwing ntechnology, material flow and conveyor systems, measuring and test ntechnology are presented to the trade fair guest as well as drives, ncontrollers, sensors and software. Design engineers and users will find nbasic systems, details and components at Motek, as well as ninterdisciplinary approaches plus interlinked and networked systems nalong with software and industrial communication. But not a single nproduct or system stands alone anymore - comprehensive integration is inn demand as of immediately! Motek 2019 will demonstrate that this too is nnot just a buzzword, but rather an implementable reality.
Manufacturing: Digital, Connected and Consistently Visualised
Expertn visitors are interested in the manufacturing process as an overall nsystem within the framework of ongoing, consistent digitalisation of nautomation functions. They're looking for turnkey, integrated system nsolutions for modern production and will find answers at Motek 2019 to nall current questions which arise on their way to the smart factory. n"For us, digitalisation isn't a marketing instrument, but rather genuinen content," states Bettina Schall, managing director of P.E. Schall GmbH n& Co. KG. "There's undoubtedly lots of talk about networking, span ndata, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, and they've nalready arrived at many companies, but expert visitors from the field ofn industrial manufacturing still have plenty of unanswered questions in nthis regard. Together with our exhibitors and collaboration partners nsuch as the Mechatronics Network of Baden-Württemberg with its further ndeveloped Arena of Integration, visitors can find answers which are nusable in actual practice."
Time-Tested Trade Fair Duo: Motek and Bondexpo
Integrated,n practical, productive - Motek is traditionally pragmatic. And this is nwhy the Bondexpo international trade fair for bonding technology will ben held concurrent to the Motek industry highlight for the 13thn time. Both trade fairs come together as a mirror image of industrial nmanufacturing practice which is undergoing highly dynamic change. The ntrade fair team is expecting roughly 1000 exhibitors on 63,000 square nmetres of exhibition floor space.
Image: R. Eberhard, messekompakt, EBERHARD print & medien agentur gmbh
Source: P.E. Schall GmbH