Optatec 2016:
Expert Meet for Optical Technologies
Development, production, assembly and quality assurance in the broad-ranging field of optical technologies - beginning with the relevant process sequences, alone the Optatec international trade fair for optical technologies, components and systems is focused on this core issue, which is already universally applicable and will be so to an even greater extent in the future. Well over a year before the 13th Optatec (Hall plan, Optatec 2016), which will be held once again at the international trade fair venue in Frankfurt, private trade fair promoters P. E. Schall GmbH & Co. KG are already clearly taking their stance with regard to how Optatec will be organised in the future.
Or stated the other way round, trade fair promoter Paul E. Schall is taking up the cudgels for optical technologies and is proceeding in accordance with the maxim: "cobbler, stick to your trade - but take advantage of all available modern instruments, so that your competitive edge is ensured for the long-run".
Image: P.E. Schall
A few facts and figures: with more than 560 exhibitors, nearly 194,000 square feet of overall exhibition floor space, roughly 5250 expert visitors and strong foreign participation including exhibitors from 26 countries and expert visitors from 43 countries (figures based on Optatec 2014), the Optatec international trade fair for optical technologies, components and systems (Hall plan, Optatec 2016) is recognised as the world's leading trade fair for this complex subject matter. Although there are competing events both here and elsewhere which have to be taken seriously, their orientation is becoming more and more polytechnical, or they're aligned quite exclusively to laser applications, and above all laser machining. So far so good, but laser technology is just one of many fields of application for the optical technologies which are experiencing strong further development.
The optical technologies include photonics, biophotonics, photovoltaics, solar, laser, medical and test technology, as well as surface finishing, and thus much more than just optics, electronics, mechatronics and laser. The list could go on almost indefinitely, for example to include image processing and vision systems or materials processing and generative 3D production. Without a doubt, all of these technologies and processes, i.e. practice-relevant solutions and above all solutions which can be effectively implemented in actual practice, are based on optical technologies in all of their possible manifestations. And this is why trade fair promoters P.E. Schall GmbH & Co. KG don't see any reason to concentrate on just one or a few ranges of applications for the optical technologies. On the contrary, the entire scope of offerings specified unequivocally in the nomenclature should be presented, in order to provide the expert visitors with the opportunity of experiencing the broadest possible spectrum of uses for optical technologies, and not just individual applications.
This of course includes the incorporation and the intentional presentation of the greatest possible variety of applications, as they're represented by, for example, the manufacturers of optical machines. This will be strategy implemented at Optatec 2016 (Hall plan, Optatec 2016) in the form of issue-specific islands and technology parks. Further highlights include collaborations with partners from associations, institutes and networks, so that worldwide offerings for optical technologies and a comprehensive supplementary programme covering all issues in the areas of R&D, manufacturing, use and industrial applications are made available to the expert visitors.
The 30th Optatec will take place at the international Frankfurt Exhibition Centre from the 7th through the 9th of June, 2016.
Source: P.E. Schall