Deutsche Messe Opens
The criteria for evaluating HERMES AWARD entries include nlevel of innovation; benefits for industry, environment and society; nprofitability; and market readiness. An independent jury chaired by Dr. nReimund Neugebauer, president of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, will nnominate three products for the HERMES AWARD and determine the winner nfrom this group. Germany's minister for education and research, Anja nKarliczek, will present the award.
nttIn 2020, the product omlox - open location standard was awarded the nHERMES AWARD. More than 60 industrial companies were involved in the ndevelopment of the global solution that is independent of location ntechnology.
The omlox standard combines all the location services navailable on the market, including UWB, WLAN, BLE, GPS, and 5G. These nare transferred to a uniform coordinate reference system and can be maden available for internal use on edge platforms or for global use in a ncloud.
HANNOVER MESSE Digital Edition
nttHANNOVER MESSE Digital Edition is the knowledge and networking nplatform for industry, energy and logistics. The event consists of an nexpo, a conference and networking. Under the keynote theme "Industrial nTransformation", pioneers present their ideas and technologies for the nfactories, energy systems and supply chains of the future. Leading ntopics include digital platforms, Industrie 4.0, IT security, nCO2-neutral production, AI, lightweight construction, and Logistics 4.0.n Conferences and forums complete the program. HANNOVER MESSE Digital nEdition runs from 12 to 16 April 2021.
Indonesia is the Partner Country nin 2021.
Images: R. Eberhard,, EBERHARD print & mediena gentur gmbh
Source: Deutsche Messe AG